The PDF proof is an accurate representation of how your file will look once printed. If the PDF proof does not look good to you, it is likely that the final printed product will not have good results either. Here are some tips for reviewing your PDF Proof.
1) Check for quality.
Download the PDF proof and review it in Acrobat Reader rather than using a browser. Zoom in to 200%, and review important elements such as logos, photos and other images. If any elements appear blurry, consider replacing those elements with higher resolution images.
2) Are any elements missing or too close to the edge?
The PDF proof is show at trimmed size. Please take note of any text or important images that you feel are too close to the edges. Double check that your design upload has the correct file specifications.
3) Is the design centered?
The uploaded design if set to the proper file specifications should be centered in the middle of the PDF proof document. If it does not appear centered, check your file for a transparent background. Any transparent background in your file should be changed to a solid white or add a white border/stroke to the edge of your file. PDFs generated from Microsoft Office products (Word, Publisher or PowerPoint) will often have transparent backgrounds by default. For best results, use a Downloadable Guideline Template.
4) Is it the correct size?
The PDF proof created appears at trimmed size, which is slightly smaller than the file specifications for the uploaded file. Check to be sure your file was set up to the proper file specifications.
5) Is this a folded brochure or card?
Be sure that page 1 of the PDF proof is the front/outside and Page 2 is the inside.
6) Double check the text.
Check all spelling, punctuation, and important elements such as contact information for accuracy.
Consider Professional Review
If you are unsure about how your file will print after reviewing your PDF and following these tips we recommend that you select the Professional Review option to ensure best results.