FedEx is the shipping method used for shipped QuantumPostcard orders. We the United States and its territories, Canada and Mexico. The following shows the estimated delivery times from FedEx after an order has left our facility:
- 2nd Day - within 2 business days
- Standard Overnight - next business day
- International Priority - typically 1 - 3 business days for customs-cleared shipments
- International Economy - typically 4 - 6 business days for customs-cleared shipments
Please allow for 1-business day turnaround time in addition to the shipping delivery estimates. We are not liable for damages/delays to orders due to FedEx errors or FedEx shipping delays due to inclement weather.
Please note that FedEx delivers Monday-Friday.
The United States Postal Service (USPS) is the mail carrier used for mailed QuantumPostcard orders. We mail only to the United States and its territories. The following shows the estimated delivery times from USPS by postage class after an order has left our facility:
Postage Class |
Description |
First-Class |
Your best option for time-sensitive mailings. On average, First-Class mail is delivered within 5 to 8 business days. Delivery times are more consistent throughout the year than with Standard Mail. |
Marketing Mail |
Your best option for regular, routine mailings-when time is not a factor. On average, Standard Mail is delivered within 8 to 14 business days. Delivery times may fluctuate during peak mailing times of the year, such as holidays. |
Please allow for 1-business day turnaround time in addition to the mail delivery estimates.
Please note: Due to factors beyond our control, QuantumDigital is not responsible for postal delays of time-sensitive materials.